Monday, March 21, 2011

12/52 Cozy...

This past week has been spent on reorganizing bathroom drawers, a few cabinets, and one of my linen closets.  As I added to the donate pile, I ran across the bear blanket that my tia Angel made for my little guy.  Quickly I called him over, wrapped him up in it, and instantly he was beaming!  I then wrapped Bella in another bear blanket (that I assumed was isn't), and then Symph was bundled up in the heart blanket (that I assumed was isn't).  They were all cozy and content knowing that they each had a keepsake blanket made just for them from their favorite great-tia Angel.  I have a much greater appreciation for handmade gifts now, and love that my babes love handmade loveliness too. ♥

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